Tuesday, April 12, 2011

School Board Recognition

Tonight Tuesday April 12 the kids are supposed to go to the school board meeting for recognition. Please be there by 7:15 pm. The location is at 200 Berkley St in Ashland. Practice for Wednesday April 13 is from 7-8 am for the 7th & 8th grade. Practice for Thursday April 14 is 7-8 am for the 6th grade. Practice Friday April 15 is from 7-8 am for the 7th & 8th grade.

Tonight is our first spirit night at the Arby’s located on RT 1 near Green Top. It will go on from 4pm to 8pm.  Arby’s will be donating 12% of sales during that time. They will be providing a flyer that needs to be brought when you are purchasing your food so they can attach it to the receipt. For the first night if you do not have the flyer please tell them to write CMS on the top of the receipt so that the general manager can sort them out when closing. Angela Freeman will be there with the flyers on hand so you can get one from her prior to ordering. Hope to see you there!

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